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Tournament Listing

2025 Season Divisions Based on Grad Year

Grad Year Ages
2025/2026 Players cannot turn 19 prior to June 1, 2025
2027/2028 Players cannot turn 17 prior to June 1, 2025
2029/2030 Players cannot turn 15 prior to June 1, 2025
2031/2032 Players cannot turn 13 prior to June 1, 2025
2033/2034 Players cannot turn 11 prior to June 1, 2025


USBOXLA Events now follow grad-year-based teams. For older reclassified players, they must adhere to a June 1st cut off date. 

  • Teams may need to provide proof of age
  • Players can play up but never down
  • Any teams not adhering to this rule will be disqualified immediately

2025 Divisions Based on Current Grade

Grade Class of
3rd & 4th 2033 & 2034
5th & 6th 2031 & 2032
7th & 8th 2029 & 2030
High School B Mostly 2027 & 2028
High School A Mostly 2025 & 2026


Sanctioned events may select to use a grade model where teams are formed based on their current school grade.  This model does not take into account older reclassified players as there is no birth day cutoff date.  A majority of the players on the floor are of the same age group.